Rules and Regulations
At BREAKING BOUNDS we are all about promoting a fun, friendly and safe environment. In order to run a fair competition we ask that every participant abide by the same rules. Also to show good sportsmanship we ask that others attending the competition respect the rules and follow proper theatre etiquette.

3 Minutes

Small Group
3 Minutes

4.5 Minutes

12 Minutes Max

Duo / Trio
3 Minutes

Large Group
4 Minutes

Extended Line
5 Minutes
- Solo
Based on the age of the dancer as of December 31st. - Duo/Trio
Based on the average age of the dancers as of December 31st. To find the average age, drop the decimal point. For Example: if the average = 11.8, the average age is 11 years. - SMALL GROUP, LARGE GROUP, LINE, EXTENDED LINE
Based on the average age of the dancers as of December 31st. To find the average age, drop the decimal point. For Example: if the average = 11.8, the average age is 11 years.
All performances exceeding the maximum time outlines that have not been approved by BREAKING BOUNDS will be deducted 1 point for every 5 seconds over the time limit of a routine. Prior to the performance, extended time may be requested for a fee, please speak with The BREAKING BOUNDS Director to make your request. Please make sure all music is edited exactly from beginning to end to avoid any confusion.
Music must be uploaded to DanceBUG. Music must be uploaded 3 weeks prior to the start of the competition. An Administration fee will be charged to your account if music is sent in late.
BREAKING BOUNDS is a family-friendly competition and the choice of music is very important, along with age-appropriate choreography and costuming. Any performance that includes music with explicit words, or referring to violence and/or other inappropriate content as determined by BREAKING BOUNDS and/or judges will be adjudicated, but will not be given awards or overalls. Please make sure your music is clean to avoid any possibility of disqualification.
Choreographers, teachers, students and parents automatically grant permission to BREAKING BOUNDS and its Directors to use, without any compensation whatsoever, their photos and videos for publicity and promotional purposes, including but not limited to ads, television, videotaping and broadcasting, social media, web or print. Taking any photo and/or video throughout the event by audience members is prohibited for the safety of dancers on stage. Routines may be subject to disqualification if audience is found filming or taking photos during a performance.
Re-dancing will be at the sole discretion of the director and will only be possible if the schedule permits. Pre-Competitive, novice and mini dancers who do not complete their routine will have the chance to re-dance. Dancers will still receive an award according to their score. However, dancers may be ineligible for an overall at the sole discretion of the director. Junior, Teen and Senior Competitive dancers who choose to re-dance will not be eligible for placement in the category or overalls and will dance for adjudicators’ comments only. All dancers who experience technical difficulties can re-dance with no penalties.
Dangerous props are not to be used on stage, such as fire, swords, or knives. No weapons of any sort. BREAKING BOUNDS has the right to reserve the use of specific props according to the venue’s guidelines and restrictions.
BREAKING BOUNDS asks that studios help maintain a clear backstage area. Only Studio Directors, Dancers and Teachers are permitted at all times. Students may wait backstage up to 5 numbers before their performance. We ask that all studios respect and support one another, and applaud for one another. BREAKING BOUNDS does not permit any negativity or booing towards any performers. Parents are not permitted backstage.
These Rules and Regulations and the Registration Terms and Conditions govern your registration for and participation in any dance competition provided by Breaking Bounds Dance Inc. (“Breaking Bounds”). Please review carefully.
Participation in a Breaking Bounds dance event will be considered an affirmation of your acceptance of these Rules and Regulations.
For studios that are registering or have registered on behalf of individual dancers and/or dance teams, you warrant that you have made the individual dancers, dance teams and their parents/guardians, as applicable, aware of these Rules and Regulations.
Competitors and Categories, etc.
Breaking Bounds reserves the right to add or subtract days to the event depending on the number of registered entries. Each competitor may only compete from one studio. Competitors may not compete against themselves. Independent entries are permitted and eligible for overalls. Improv category will not be eligible for an overall. Age divisions and/or types of routines may be combined based on the number of entries for categories and overalls. Breaking Bounds reserves the right to determine the amount of all cash awards based on registration, at its discretion. Adult categories will not be eligible for an overall award. Soloists will be separated into heats on the occasion that 10 or more soloists fall into one particular category. Birth certificates may be required in the event of a discrepancy of a competitor’s age, such birth certificate to be provided by the end of the competition. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for that specific entry. In order to accommodate larger props, participants must make note of them on the registration form along with setup times. Any studio, dancer or parent that abuses the designated dressing area will be disqualified. All participants are responsible for cleaning their area and properly disposing of all garbage. Competitors should be ready to perform 2 hours before their scheduled time, in case the competition is running ahead of schedule.
Scores and Awards.
All scores are final. All prize money is awarded to the studio only. Breaking Bounds reserves the right to increase or decrease cash prizes based on registration. Awards are based on scores and not on placement in a category; therefore, there could be several medals handed out in the same age category. In the event of any tie, the dancer with the highest individual judges score will place ahead. In the case that the individual high score is the same, the judges are asked to break the tie. If the tie is in an overall, the tie will be broken. One cash prize will be awarded. All decisions are made final by the Director of Breaking Bounds.
Tap sounds on recordings of tap entries will result in a 5 point deduction. 3 points per Acro trick will be deducted over the amount allowed in the category.
Your registration and right to participate in a Breaking Bounds event is non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, and personal to the studio and each of the competitors who are registered by the studio. Upon the selection by the studio of a date and location as part of the event registration, the registration will be final and cannot be changed without the prior written consent of Breaking Bounds, which consent may be arbitrarily withheld at the sole and absolute discretion of Breaking Bounds. Any changes to the registration so permitted by Breaking Bounds, including any variations to routine, or transfer or substitution of competitors, will be subject to additional fees.
No refunds of deposits or fees will be issued for any reason.
Waiver, Videography and Photography.
Each participant of a Breaking Bounds event acknowledges and agrees that his or her attendance and participation in such event is voluntary, and understands the nature and inherent risks of the event. To the maximum extent permitted by law, each participant agrees to solely assume the risks associated with attending and participating in the event.
Videography and photography by anyone other than Breaking Bounds, its employees, agents or contractors, are strictly prohibited inside the theatre at any Breaking Bounds event. Performances are videotaped by Breaking Bounds, its employees, agents or contractors for judges’ critiques as well as for purposes of marketing and advertising. Breaking Bounds reserves the right to use photographs and videos of participants taken at the venue for promotional purposes.
Furthermore, each studio acknowledges and agrees that in order for a dancer to participate or compete in a Breaking Bounds event, the dancer must review and sign this Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks, and License to Recordings document prior to the competition.
Registration Page
Registration for Breaking Bounds Dance Challenge is super easy! You can enter numerous entries right from your computer with our easy-to-use online system.
Create an account on DanceBUG and it will enable you to update your account and receive the latest news about the competition(s) you will be attending.
Entries are on a first come, first served basis, until the category is at full capacity. All registered studios will receive a tentative performance schedule so that you can confirm that your entries are correct. The final schedule will be sent out prior to the competition, including any changes that may need to be addressed. At Breaking Bounds, we take pride in being very organized and running on time. We go to great lengths and strive to ensure the precision of each final schedule.
Payment for registration can be made via:
i) credit card;
ii) e-transfer to [email protected]; or
iii) certified cheque or money order, made payable to: Breaking Bounds Dance Inc.
All entries per Studio must be submitted on one cheque.
Payments are to be received by Breaking Bounds no later than January 31, 2023. Entries or payments submitted after this deadline are subject to an additional late fees.
All deposits and fees paid to Breaking Bounds to hold space or register for a competition are non-refundable.
We look forward to seeing you at Breaking Bounds Dance Challenge!
Each competitor may only compete from one studio. Competitors may not compete against themselves. BREAKING BOUNDS reserves the right to add or subtract days to the event pending on the number of registered entries. BREAKING BOUNDS reserves the right to determine the amount of all cash awards based on registration, at its discretion. Videotaping, and photography are prohibited at any BREAKING BOUNDS event inside the theatre. Adult categories will not be eligible for an overall award. Soloists will be separated into heats on the occasion that 10 or more soloists fall into one particular category. No refunds will be issued for any reason. BREAKING BOUNDS will not be held responsible for injuries, damage and lost or stolen property over the duration of any BREAKING BOUNDS event. Birth certificates are not required, however if there is a discrepancy it will need to be provided by the end of the competition. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for that specific entry. Performances are videotaped for judges’ critiques as well as sales and advertising purposes. BREAKING BOUNDS reserves the right to use photographs and video of dancers taken at the venue for promotional purposes. In order to accommodate larger props, participants must make note of them on the registration form along with setup times. All marks are final. Awards are based on scores and not on placement in a category, therefore there could be several medals handed out in the same age category. In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken by using the individuals highest judges score. If the highest judges score is the same, the judges will be asked to break the tie. If the tie is in an overall, the tie will be broken. One cash prize will be awarded. All decisions are made final by the Director of BREAKING BOUNDS DANCE INC. Any changes that need to be made must be made a minimum of 30 days prior to the competition start date, and approved by the director. All changes must be written and approved by BREAKING BOUNDS. If a contestant wishes to change their scheduled performance they must do so before the category competes or they will not be placed in their category and given an overall award. In the event that enough dancers are missing from a routine to change the division of the category, studios must notify BREAKING BOUNDS prior to the category. Tap sounds on recordings of tap entries will result in a 5pt deduction. Any studio, dancer or parent that abuses the designated dressing area will be disqualified. All participants are responsible for cleaning their area and properly disposing of all garbage. Competitors should be ready to perform 2 hours before their scheduled time, in case competition is ahead of schedule. All prize money is awarded to the studio only. Independent entries are permitted and eligible for overalls. Improv category will not be eligible for an overall. Acro Tricks, 3 points will be deducted per trick over the amount allowed in the category. Age divisions and/or types of routines may be combined based on the number of entries for categories and overalls.